Introducing Atila Points: 

Get Rewarded for Helping Others

Today, we just launched a new feature called Atila points. The idea is very simple: when you perform actions that help others on the Atila platform, you will get rewarded with Atila Points. The more points you get, the more money and gifts you get.


If you refer someone to Atila and they win a scholarship that is eligible for a referral bonus you both get $50. 


To see the top students with Atila points see the Atila Student Rankings.


For example, Morgan refers Jaylen to Atila. Jaylen wins a $500 scholarship. Jaylen gets $500 for winning the scholarship. Jaylen also gets an additional $50 because of Morgan's referral bringing Jaylen's total to $550. Morgan gets $50 for referring a scholarship winner.

If you refer someone to Atila and they start a scholarship on Atila you will get 20% commission on the Atila Fee. 

For example, if you refer someone and they start a $3,000 scholarship on Atila, you would get $54. ( $3,000 * 9% * 20% = $54). If you refer someone and they contribute to an existing scholarship you get a 10% commission.

Comission is paid after scholarship winner has been selected, approved and they have received their funds.

Whoever has the most Atila points at the end of June and December will get $250, 2nd place gets $150, 3rd place gets $100. If you come fourth and fifth we will ask you to send us your Amazon or Pinterest wishlist and we’ll buy you something (or a combination of things) on that list valued at $50.

We will run a similar contest every four months. The Atila points you can get from a referral last for 12 months from when they made an account.

To see the Atila Points rankings visit:

How many points do I get for each task?

Refer Someone to Atila and they make an account20 
Referral has at least one submitted scholarship application100 
Referral becomes a Finalist300 
Each time someone you refer wins a scholarship800 + $50

300 for finalist + 500 for winning = 800 total.

If your referral wins a scholarship, you get $50 if the scholarship is marked as eligible for the referral bonus.

Refer someone to start a Scholarship directly on Atila1000 + 20% commision

Additional 10 points / $100, 

Max 2,000 points per scholarship

Refer someone that contributes to a scholarship500 + 10% commision

5 points / $100, 

Max 1,000 points per scholarship

How do I refer Someone?

  1. Go on your Atila Profile: and Copy your referral code:<username> for example, mine is: and send it to people. See the section titled, Ideas for How to Get More Points.

  2. When your referral is signing up for an account, tell them to use your referral code and select your name when registering. They can also type your first name, last name or username.

  3. If they forgot to add you as a referral when first making the account they can still add you after they’ve made their account from their profile page.

  4. You can also get the referral code from a scholarship page.


More Questions?

This feature is still in the beta stage and we’re still experimenting with things. If you have more questions, please ask it in this post on the r/Atila sub-Reddit and we’ll reply to you there.

We’re still working on the details so the information on this page may change at any time but this is what we have so far.

No Cheating

One of Atila’s values is to bet on people. This means that rather than having a huge rule book with a bunch of rules, we have a couple rules and guidelines on how the program works. We leave people to use common sense on how to apply them.

We give you the freedom to make the right choices. However, if anyone is found cheating, they will be punished very severely in order to set an example that Atila has a zero tolerance attitude towards cheating.

This means that anyone caught cheating will be banned from the Atila platform and those that they referred may also be banned.

Again we say apply your common sense on what is considered cheating but  some example:

  • making multiple or fake accounts is would be one example of cheating
  • Referring someone to make an account that is either not a student or has no intention of starting a scholarship


Ideas for How to Get More Points

  1. Add your referral code to your Twitter/Instagram/Tik tok social media bio 
  2. If you’ve won a scholarship from your school or an organization before, ask them if they would be interested in sponsoring a scholarship on Atila.

  3. Give a presentation to people you know about how to pay for school using scholarships or how to support students using scholarships (example). In one of the slides you can mention Atila, include your referral link, share the link and slides with them.

    Important: Make sure you are providing value to your audience. Don’t just make your presentation one giant commercial to get them to use your referral code and don’t only mention Atila. For example you can mention other scholarship sites. Then mention that Atila is the best.

    For example, here is a presentation I prepared for high school students. Note that I don’t even really talk about Atila until 20:38 minutes into a 28 minute presentation. That’s because I’m focusing on providing value to my audience first. Your presentation doesn’t need to (and probably shouldn’t ) be 28 minutes long. But the ratio should be roughly the same: 90% provide value, 10% plug.