In order to ensure scholarship applications are graded more consistently and fairly, we created a rubric that can be used as a guideline when reviewing or writing scholarship applications.
This rubric is simply meant as a guideline and certain categories may not be applicable for all applications.
Category | 0-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 |
Grammar | Numerous errors in grammar, punctuation, syntax, and spelling; Difficult to understand due to grammatical errors | Shows lack of editing; competent but contains unnecessary errors | occasional errors; does not hinder understanding of text | grammatical mastery; text is rigorously edited for grammar and punctuation |
Personal | The applicant provides very little or distracting person experiences. | The applicant provides some information about their personal experiences. Generalized or cliche anecdotes belong in this category | The applicant provides information about their personal experiences. An inference can be made about the applicant’s individuality. | The applicant provides a complete picture of relevant personal experiences. It is easy to see a clear vision of the applicant’s individuality, passion and hope for the future |
Accomplishments | The applicant shares few or no accomplishments; the accomplishments shared do not prove a point | The applicant shares one or several accomplishments that vaguely demonstrates their drive, initiative, and effort | The applicant shares one accomplishment that demonstrates their drive, initiative, and effort | The applicant shares several accomplishments that demonstrates their drive, initiative, and effort |
Goals | The applicant states few or no goals | The applicant states some goals, but may not be applicable or does not incorporate their individuality in their answer. | The applicant provides information about their goals. They demonstrate ambition and drive, but might lack actionable goals | The applicant clearly states and describes their goals. They describe how their studies and/or personality will help achieve that goal |
Community Impact | The applicant did not include sufficient or relevant examples of community impact | The applicant has made an acceptable level of impact in their community/school, | The applicant has made a significant impact in their school, but examples provided aren’t clear or specific. | The applicant has made a significant impact in their community/school. They have clearly demonstrated their impact by citing programs, people, or experiences |
Creativity | Poor communication technique that fails to get the point across. | Acceptable use of communication techniques that somewhat demonstrates their points. Sentence structures are boring or repeated many times | Sufficient use of communication techniques that aptly demonstrates the points made. Organized so it is easy to follow | Creative use of communication techniques that clearly demonstrates the points above. Organized in a well thought-out way that is easy to follow. |